CONDITIONS OF ENTRY < Thessaloniki Night Half Marathon - Greece >
The following conditions of entry apply to ALL ENTRANTS.
Please read them carefully before completing your entry form. 

Article 1
The event called "Thessaloniki Night Half Marathon" will take place on Saturday October 13, 2018 at 18:45 in the town of Thessalonikin - Greece, with a distance of 21, 095 Km and also a 5km pace. The Half Marathon distance is official and approved by the Hellenic Association of Amateur Athletics and AIMS and will be run in one loop and respects the international rules of road races (I.A.A.F.) as well as the national requirements outlined in the road race charter and is organized by ''MEAS TRITON of THESSALONIKI

Article 4
The start of the Half Marathon is at 18: 45. The race starts from Nikis Avenue and finishes at the White Tower
Article 3 
The race is open to all athletes. The competitors must be at least 18 on the race day. Age categories will be given a separate classification in agreement with the '' Hellenic Association of Amateur Athletics'' You are reminded that inspections will be carried out during the race to ensure that the regulations of the race are respected. It is especially pointed out that runners compete in the race under their own responsibility. 
Article 4
The official online or the optional entry form must be completed by each intending competitor. Completion of entry form and payment of the entry fee represents acceptance of these terms and conditions. Foreigners living in Greece can register through the Hellenic web siteweb site: following it's instructions and justifying a title of residence or student card.
- Article 5
Participation in sporting events organized by sports federations or under their auspices is subject to the possession of a sports license attesting that a medical certificate has been issued stipulating the absence of contraindications for participation in sports competitions, or, with regard to persons who are not holders of such licenses and to whom such competitions are open, the possession of such a certificate alone or a certified copy dating from less than one year. 
Article 6
The participants should pick their race number (package) at the Marathon Expo. The Race Expo takes place on Thursday and Friday, October 11 and 12 from 10.00 a.m. - 06.00 p.m.) at White
Tower Square.
Article 7
Road safety is under control of the police department; medical services are provided by professional medical services of the Hellenic Red Cross on the race course and at the finish line. They are able to stop any competitor for medical reasons. Competitors will be permitted up to 3 hours to complete the distance of Half Marathon. After the "end of race" vehicle has passed, competitors should thereafter respect the Highway Code. 
Article 8
Each entry is considered as non transferable and final and implies full acceptance of the rules. No refund will be made whatever the reasons. No registration transfer will be allowed, whatever the reasons. Any person retroceding his bib to a third party will be held responsible in case of an accident arising or provoked by this third party during the competition. The organization is exempt from all responsibility in case of an accident in this type of situation. 
Article 9 
The disposal Chip Timing system will be used for the timing. Each competitor will be given a chip when collecting starting documents. Check points will be placed, at the start, on the course and at the finish, to control each competitor's timing. Competitors failing to follow the course will be disqualified. Chips are disposable; you can take them home as a souvenir. 
Article 10
Bibs must be fully legible during the whole race on the bust; it can be neither folded, occulted nor its publicity modified. It will not be allowed the participation of competitors without number. On the internal part of the bib, it is recommended to mark any important medical information likely to be useful in the event in case of urgency. Jointly with the bib, you will receive your (chip) which you will have to attach in the bootlace of your shoe. It will be disqualified which one who will run without the chip, or will place it at an inadequate place or will take part with that one of another participant. Any person retroceding his bib to a third party will be held responsible in case of an accident arising or provoked by this third party during the competition. The organization is exempt from all responsibility in case of an accident in this type of situation. Bibs will be available upon presentation of confirmation of each registration and an identity card. Bibs cannot be mailed and cannot be collected the day race on October 10, 2015. 
Article 11
Property Damage: The organizer disclaims all responsibility for damage (theft, breakage, loss…) suffered by the personal property of participants, even if he has custody. Participants won’t be able then to turn against the organizer for any damage caused to their cycle and/or equipment. Subscription of an insurance covering these risks is the responsibility of everyone. 
Article 12 
Bicycles or motorized vehicles are strictly forbidden on the race course. 
- Article 13
I release HAAF or AIMS (and their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, contractors or agents ) from any liability (to the extent permitted by law) for any loss, injury or damage suffered in relation to my attendance and participation at the "Thessaloniki Half Marathon", however so caused, including due to any negligence or other act or omission of HAAF. or AIMS (or their directors, officers, employees, volunteers ,contractors or agents) To the best of my knowledge, I am not suffering from any condition which would prevent and/or render me unfit to participate in the Event. 
Article 14 
Name and likeness. Competitors expressly and exclusively grant to Thessaloniki Marathon, organized by M.E.A.S. TRITON under the aegis of Hellenic Association of Amateur Athletics (SEGAS), in collaboration with Space Running Management - Wanago and its assigns, the irrevocable right to use a competitor's name, likeness, biography, factually or otherwise in connection with the production, the distribution and exploitation of the pictures related to the Alexander the Great Marathon, worldwide in any and all devices, media whatsoever, now known or hereafter known, for the entire duration of the protection period currently awarded by legislative or regulatory bodies, court decisions and/or arbitrages in any country, and currently existing of future international conventions, including eventual prolongations which may be made to this duration. 
Article 15
T-shirt to every participant, medal and certificate to every finisher. Various batches for the 3 first of each category of age, Race Certificate online Video Finish Results 
Article 16
I have not knowingly used any substance for the purpose of enhancing my performance at the Event and will not use any substances or procedures prohibited by the rules of H.A.A.F. Competitors should check with their physician to ensure medication that they are taking is not a prohibited substance.) 
Article 17
I acknowledge that the organizers of the event reserve the right to reject my entry form and/or exclude me from participating in the event in their absolute discretion 
Article 18
I acknowledge that I participate in the event at my own risk. I will take all reasonable measures to protect myself from the risks of participation I accept all responsibility for travel and medical insurance and for payment and/or reimbursement of medical/surgical expenses incurred on my behalf. 
Article 19
The race course may be subject to change, even in its entirety, as decided by the competent public authorities, also if the organization is forced to change the date of the event, registration fees will be refunded to any participant already enrolled, and cannot or no longer wishing to take part in the race event for a new date. Any entrant is free to contracts an individual insurance covering canceling flights and accommodation and other expenses caused by the changes of event date that the organization accepts no liability. 
- Article 20
I am responsible for all property I bring onto the event sites and that Event Organization and Space Running Management, (Wanago)
I consent to the conduct of identity verification checks, background security checks and other security checks (which may include inspecting my personal property) prior to my entry to and departure from any Event sites. 
Article 22
I undertake to comply with all applicable regulations, by laws and rules of the IAAF, H.A.A.F. or AIMS in relation to the Event and will comply with all reasonable directions and decisions of the officials, and other representatives of IAAF, H.A.A.F. or AIMS. 
Article 23
I agree that I will attend the official Race Expo which will take place in Thessaloniki during race opening days where I will collect my bib electronic timing chip and other race material. 
Article 24
I agree to abide by the event rules, which are available at - I, being the competitor have read and agree to these terms and conditions.


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